Creative Writing and Nature-Play Camp

Ages 8-12 | Monday-Friday | 9-12pm

Does your child love to write? Do they also love to play? This camp is the perfect balance of writing, active games and time spent exploring the beautiful, forested Mt. Tabor Park. Summer is meant to be fun. Your child will have fun in this camp. They will also improve their writing skills, receive feedback on their stories, increase their creativity and bring home a story they can continue to work on all summer.

About Sarah

Sarah is passionate about writing and her enjoyment for it is contagious. She allows students to write about topics that matter to them and moves at the student’s pace, teaching them skills in the process. She has inspired the writing of hundreds of students across Portland in after-school writer’s workshops, summer camps, university classes, and online. She is a writer and a writing teacher with a masters degree in education and over 25 years of teaching experience.

Our summer camps include:

  • Lessons to inspire creative writing and build writing skills that will last a lifetime
  • Quiet writing time to work on a story of their own
  • One on one guidance, as needed
  • Time each day to share that day’s writing​
  • A variety of active group games that increase awareness of the 5 senses. We play a variety of hide and seek games, charades games, tag games, as well as giving free time to explore and create new games.

Why this camp is good for your child:

Combining writing and playing outdoors in the beautiful setting of Mt. Tabor park allows children to relax and write while sitting on the earth and feeling the aliveness of nature around them.  Playing games each day creates a sense of connection with the place and with each other. We have fun with writing and make memories with the nature of the park. This camp is a great fit for students who love writing, as well as for those who may not love it yet, but are ready to develop their ideas and skills.

What your child will gain:

Your child will get ideas and inspiration. They will have time to write the stories they want to write, learning writing skills as they go that they can draw on in all the future writing they do. Your child will learn what the 3 pillars of a story are and how to weave them together. Your child will practice including sensory details to make their story more compelling for the reader. Your child will know they are a writer by the end of this camp.

 Summer Camp Schedule 2024

Week 1:  June 24-28

Creative Writing and Nature Play – One Spot Left

9:00-12:00 pm | ages 8-12 | Sliding Scale Fee $255-295 | At Mt. Tabor Park

Week 2:  July 8-12

Creative Writing and Nature Play – FULL

9:00-12:00 pm | ages 8-12 | Sliding Scale Fee $255-295 | At Mt. Tabor Park

Week 3:  July 15-19

Creative Writing and Nature Play – FULL

9:00-12:00 pm | ages 8-12 | Sliding Scale Fee $255-295 | At Mt. Tabor Park

Week 4:  July 22-26

Creative Writing and Nature Play – FULL

9:00-12:00 pm | ages 8-12 | Sliding Scale Fee $255-295 | At Mt. Tabor Park

Week 5:  July 29-August 2

9:00-12:00 pm | ages 8-12 | Sliding Scale Fee $255-295 | At Mt. Tabor Park

About the sliding scale fee: 

The fee for the camp is a sliding scale to acknowledge different family incomes . Any amount between $255-$295 will register your child. When you check out, you will notice that Eventbrite calls it a “donation”. Enter the amount in this range that you are able to pay and you will be registered. ​

What People are Saying about Write Now Summer Camps: 

Beatrise took this camp last summer and has been working on the story she started all year long. She made a friend in that camp and they arranged for themselves to do the camp again this year together. Amazing!” ​​- Portland Dad

Caroline rarely likes summer camps, but she loved coming to this camp every day! I think it was because of the intimate group size.” – Portland Mom

Zach really loved the writing camp.” – Portland Mom

I woke up with a smile on my face every day, knowing that I got to come to this camp. It was just the perfect camp, being able to write and play outside each day.

– Lewis, 4th grade boy


​Cancellation and Refund Policy:  We are offer a 100% refund for cancellations 30 days before the start date of the camp. 

Sarah is very steady and real. I want my kids with someone who really cares about them, and she does.” 
– Bonnie McBee, Portland Mom