Writing Classes

Idea-Based Writing with a Focus on Structure and Development

Improve your ability to express ideas clearly in writing this summer.

In this workshop, we will choose topics that inspire wonder and awe to discuss and write about. Students will write their thoughts, responses and ideas using strategies that apply to all non-fiction writing, preparing them for greater success and ease with writing across all academic subjects in the future. This class will be taught in the traditional Write Now writer’s workshop style, with an emphasis on writing freely from your true self and learning through what is working. Each week a lesson will be given based on the needs of the specific students attending. The lessons will focus on organization and structure, idea development, and effective communication. Students will leave with greater clarity and confidence with non-fiction writing styles and with a renewed sense of awe and wonder about the mysteries of the world we live in. “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.” –Albert Einstein

Limited to 6 students.


Session 1: 4 Mondays 6/17-7/8, 4:30-6pm (FULL)

Session 2: 4 Mondays 7/15-8/5, 4:30-6pm

Who: Ages 14-17

Where: 316 NE 19th Ave, Portland

Cost: $125

To Register: The links below are currently not working. In the meantime, please email Sarah at [email protected] to register your child and she will get back to you with information about logistics and how to pay. Thanks for your patience!

Creative Writing for Highly Sensitive Teens

Improve your writing skills, make progress on a story, receive feedback and have full creative control in this creative writing workshop.

If you are easily overwhelmed in groups or chaotic situations, feel uncertain about participating with new people, but love to write and would enjoy a creative writing group with other teens who are similarly sensitive, then this group is for you. We will open with a short lesson about strong writing, students will have time to write, then there is time for optional sharing and compliments. Sarah has been teaching creative writing for years and is highly skilled at creating safe space for students to access their creativity in writing. Limited to 6 students.

When: 8 Wednesdays 6/19 – 8/14 (not meeting 7/3), 4:30-6pm

Who: Ages 14-18

Where: 316 NE 19th Ave, Portland

Cost: $250

To Register: The link below is currently not working. In the meantime, please email Sarah at [email protected] to register your child and she will get back to you with information about logistics and how to pay. Thanks for your patience!